Leadership skills that free you to work on your business, not in your business.

Experience transformative coaching

as you build up your team to work on their own.

Encountering any of these frustrations?

No time for strategy

Bummed with the lack of time to build strategy but only time for the day-to-day?

High turnover

Disheartened that strong performers are quitting?


Concerned with employees that are burned out?

Holding back

Disappointed that employees don’t share their innovative ideas?

Slow with change

Dissatisfied that your company can’t adapt fast when major change comes your way?

Repeat questions

Irritated with employees asking the team the same questions around execution, strategy or their role?

Successful leaders build up their team to work on their own.

What I do is make it easy for entrepreneurs to build up teams continuously and integrated in their existing workflow.

Entrepreneur Edge:
Accelerate Growth through Coaching

6 week program - $2495

Experience transformative coaching
as you build up your team to work on their own.

You’ll get everything you need including:

  • Guidance to apply coaching and delegation to your team & company.
  • A simple vernacular around development & coaching you can bring to your company.
  • A strategy to develop each member of your team. 
  • A way to measure your coaching impact.
  • Proven tools & Leader Playbook to rollout coaching & delegation to your team and cascade through your company.

You’ll experience:

  • Group Coaching: You’ll meet regularly (three 90 minute sessions), with myself and a group of your peers, to apply coaching and delegation to your real life scenarios.
  • Personalized 1:1 Coaching (one 45 minute session & one 75 min session) to address any challenges you may experience.
  • AI Simulations to practice key skills.
  • Navigate your journey with an awesome tribe by your side. 
  • A time-tested path for transformative coaching in your company. 

with my guarantee that if by the end of the program, you do not experience early wins, you’ll continue to receive personalized 1:1 coaching (30 mins every 2 weeks) until you do!

Leaders who are coached experience:


Average revenue growth

“Executive Coaching: A Return on Investment”,

Leadership & Organization Development Journal


Initial investment in coaching – average ROI

“Maximizing the Impact of Executive Coaching: Behavioral Change, Organizational Outcomes, and Return on Investment”,  Manchester Review


Increase in work performance

International Coach Federation (ICF) 

Global Coaching Client Study, 2017.

Are you effective with coaching your team?

Coaching might be common sense but

frequently it’s not common practice.


Answer 10 questions to see if you are a

consistent and impactful coach.  

I've been freeing up time for leaders since 2003.

As a certified coach, I’ve been coaching business leaders to ignite, delegate and coach their teams. This frees leaders to focus on what they do best.


I leverage experts who are entrepreneurs that have used these leadership skills to grow their businesses.


I want entrepreneurs to get the same advantages leaders in large companies have: the skills & tools to get results. 

Here's how:

1. Talk to us

Share your unique needs and determine if Entrepreneur Edge is a match for you.

2. Get the skills & support

Experience 1:1 & group coaching tailored to your needs with tools to apply the skills directly to your company.

3. Empower your people.

Ignite your people's power to deliver results and work more on your business, instead of in your business.


Frequently Asked Questions

No! That’s why our Coaching in the Moment tools are so impactful – have these conversations in the day-to-day flow of work. There is an upfront time cost but after learning and putting coaching into practice, it will get easier and you’ll free more time for yourself. 

Entrepreneur Edge is 7 weeks long with the following sessions spread throughout: 4 Group coaching sessions, 2 1:1 coaching sessions, & ondemand content for you to prep for sessions or dive deep into a topic. It contains a strategy for coaching and developing others as well as a system to measure your coaching impact. 

Group coaching is an opportunity to meet with a group of your peers and a skilled coach, to apply coaching and delegation to your real life scenarios, all in a safe & motivating environment.

My guarantee is that if you do not experience early wins by the end of the program, you’ll continue to receive 1:1 coaching (30 minutes every 2 weeks) until you do! Early wins are measured in a short survey completed by your team which shows your progress with listening, building trust, developing others and powerful questions.