Let's Make your work...Work

Leadership Consulting

Strengthen your leaders, employee engagement and culture.

Leadership Coaching

Prepare for your next step or gain more impact in your current role. 


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Sr. leader develops managers

George S.
VP - Engineering
Tech start-up - Amsterdam

“Steve developed leadership solutions that helped both first time and seasoned engineering managers become better leaders, navigate change and grow their teams.  As a coach, he’s helped me immensely in growing as a leader – I wouldn’t be the manager I am today without his help. My coaching with Steve helped me improve significantly with collaboration, conflict resolution and defining long term goals that align with my personal values.”

Developing as a manager

Sarah A.
Leadership Development Manager

“The coaching sessions with Steve had so much impact on the way that I see myself and my abilities, and how I show up in my work. I always walk away from our sessions with a sense of clarity about areas that I have been stuck in for some time and with actionable ideas of how to move forward. Steve has a unique ability to connect with what people are feeling beneath the surface and ask the right questions to help you better understand your own thoughts and find solutions.”

Andrew Headshot
Moving to the next level

Andrew C.
Enablement Manager

Steve’s coaching led to my promotion to a managerial position, reflecting real growth in my leadership skills. I especially appreciated Steve’s focus on building relationships, creativity, and ethical leadership. His passion, support, and knack for asking the right question make him an outstanding guide for anyone seeking to elevate their leadership journey. His thoughtful guidance helped me align my values with my professional life in a way that was both empowering and authentic.”

Why Servefirst?

We’re passionate about helping leaders make work better for themselves & the people in their organizations. 


We do this by bringing people together to create solutions for results in a more people-centered workplace.


Having over 20 years of serving Fortune 50 and start-ups both internally and externally, we bring a full range of on demand customized coaching and consulting services to strengthen your business. 


Schedule a free 15-min. consultation for you or for your business.